Sunday, July 30, 2006

Alarm Clock

I have just discovered a little app that amazes me: Alarm Clock. Alarm Clock is an app with an extremely simple purpose, to be an alarm clock. However, Alarm Clock pulls it off extremely well, due solely to it's little touches.

Alarm Clock runs in the menubar alongside the other right-hand items (Alarm Clock is the left-most icon, or the fitting image of the alarm clock).

A couple of the features really stand out for me:

  • It will bring your computer from sleep (it requires authentication from OS X, but that's just as simple as putting in your administrator password the one time it asks for it)
  • It plays your iTunes music (this is kind of a no-brainer, but it's still good that it has it).
  • It has a really nice fade-in feature for playing your music so that your music gradually becomes louder.
  • It even lets you use your Apple remote to snooze the computer from a distance!

1 comment:

Jesse said...

Yay freeware!